Foley, AL is a working-class, blue-collar town. Most people are married, and many families in Foley have children. When a family in Foley, AL is considering divorce, they must go through the child custody process to determine the child’s living arrangement. Your role in your child’s life is important, regardless of your relationship with their other parent. With the help of an experienced child custody lawyer in Foley, AL, you can fight for your rights. Ready to discuss your custody options and create a plan to protect your parental rights? Let’s sit down and talk. Call Coumanis & York at 251-990-3083 to schedule a consultation now. At Coumanis & York, We Know the Struggles You’re Facing While no part of a divorce is easy, child custody is perhaps the most emotionally draining and challenging. Our goal is to minimize your stress during this time while fighting for the best possible outcome for you. There are numerous ways to resolve a child custody dispute in Foley, and we’re ready to find out what matters most to you and how to achieve it. For some, a collaborative approach is preferred. If you want to preserve a strong co-parenting relationship with the other parent, you may want to approach negotiations in a way that promotes compromise, rather than adversity. For others, compromise seems less likely. If your co-parent pushes back against your suggestions, threatens to “take” custody from you when you disagree, or otherwise tries to hold their role over your head, we may need to take a slightly stronger approach to your case. If we let you get pushed around by the other parent, that type of behavior will continue throughout the duration of your parenting time. If the dispute between you and your co-parent has already turned into a full-blown custody battle, the time for compromise and calm negotiation may have passed. When this happens, we need to prepare for the worst possible outcome by fighting aggressively and building the strongest case we possibly can. No matter where you fit on this spectrum, we are here for you. Types of Custody Arrangements in Foley, AL There are several types of custody arrangements ordered by Alabama courts. It’s important to know the terms used in court so you understand the legal implications of any agreement you make. To start, know the difference between physical and legal custody. Physical custody refers to where a child lives, and legal custody refers to the right to make decisions regarding a child’s education, religion, medical care, and other important topics. Getting one type of custody does not guarantee you the other type. Sole custody is awarded when the courts believe that the child is better off living with one parent, rather than splitting time between them. This may be ordered if one parent does not want custody, is abusive, struggles with substance abuse, or is unsafe around the child. Joint custody allows both parents to maintain full rights over their children. Joint physical custody does not automatically mean a 50/50 time split. It simply means that the child spends regular and ongoing time with both parents. What the Court Considers Knowing what the court looks for when making custody decisions can help you present a strong case. All cases are handled through the Twenty-Eighth Judicial Circuit Court of Alabama, which serves Baldwin County. The top priority of the court is always the best interests of the child. Generally, this means beginning with an assumption of 50/50 custody. The court believes that most children are best served with regular, consistent contact with both parents. However, a true 50/50 split is not always possible, due to work schedules and other obligations. Furthermore, if one parent has always been the primary caretaker, the court may want to continue that arrangement to avoid stressing the child out. A variety of factors are weighed in Alabama custody cases. They include: Proving Your Strengths as a Parent To start, note that you may not need to make a case to the judge. Many child custody cases are negotiated between the parents and their attorneys. As long as the agreement seems reasonable, it’s likely that the judge will sign off on it. However, if your case does need to be decided by a judge, you’ll want to prove that you are a fit parent who is willing to cooperate with the other parent. In many situations, the court favors continuing the schedule and lifestyle the child is already used to. If you live in the area zoned for Baldwin County Public Schools but your ex-partner wants to move into the Gulf Shores City District, you can indicate that switching districts would disrupt your child’s friendships, relationships within the community, and overall wellbeing. If you want to change your child’s current arrangement, you will need to prove that doing so is in their best interest. You may be able to do so by showing that a move will improve their quality of education, connections with family members, and overall quality of life. Judges are given substantial discretion when it comes to child custody cases, so it’s important to work with a trusted child custody attorney. They can help explore different options and make the best choice for your needs. Contact Coumanis & York to Fight for Your Parenting Rights Don’t face child custody concerns alone. Our team of Foley, AL child custody attorneys is here to help you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation by calling us at 251-990-3083 or contacting us online.Child Custody Lawyers in Foley, Alabama
Foley Child Custody
Useful Links
2102 Main St.
Daphne, AL 36526
Office: 251.990.3083
Fax: 251.928.8665
PO Box 2627, Daphne, AL
Office: 251.431.7272
Fax: 251.928.8665
No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.